Monday, December 7, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Bouncing Colton
Saturday, December 5, 2009
My Baby Vader
Thursday, November 19, 2009
4 Months!
- He can roll from his back to his belly! Chad and I got to experience his first roll over together the Wednesday before Thanksgiving!
- He can roll over from his belly to his back if he's positioned just right but he doesn't like being on his stomach.
- He grabs hold of everything and won't let go! He'll reach for toys if they are dangling or out of his reach.
- He puts everything in his mouth!
- He can get his head and shoulders off the floor when laying on his back.
- He can roar (thanks Grand Dude ... yeah right ... by roar I mean he screams now!)
- He can sit on his own for about 15 seconds before falling over ... hey you have to start somewhere!
- He has been acting like he's cutting teeth but we don't feel or see anything yet.
- He eats 6 ounces every 3 hours but sometimes he'll eat 8 ounces. He also eats rice cereal on occasion but we were waiting for the doctor's go ahead to make it a regular thing.
- He has found his toes ... this started right after he rolled over from his back to his belly. He's even starting to tug on his socks.
- He watches daddy to learn how to use his toys and then imitates Chad's movements.
- He has learned peek a boo and will laugh when you show yourself.
- He has the best laugh ever! He really laughs when you blow razzies on his belly.
- He smiles a lot ... and loves to flirt with the ladies still!
We also had our first Thanksgiving together. It was nice but very stressful and lots of running around. I'm sure his ear infection had a lot to do with how fussy he was. We're excited for Christmas but hope it's a little easier for us!
Thanksgiving at Great Grandma Brown's Colton with Grandma BrownUncle Matt is actually holding Colton?!? J/K Colton with Great Grandma Paula Colton with Nana
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Did somebody say food?
*First Bite*
The first time we gave him cereal was after he'd already eaten and we just wanted to see if he'd even take it. He'd been pretty fussy in the morning (we think he's teething) so at that point we had to try something. The second time we gave him cereal, we fed him 2 ounces of formula, then fed him some cereal until he got fussy, and then finished off the bottle! He did a lot better the second time around and was opening his mouth when the spoon came to him and then was chewing what made it into his mouth!
*Not quite sure about this?!?*
We aren't going to make this a regular thing right now though. He's got his 4 month wellness check on December 4th and I want to get the doctor's opinion first before we advance any further. For now we'll stick to rice cereal as a snack.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Colton's 1st Halloween!
Monday, October 26, 2009
3 Months!
- He can laugh! We've heard him attempt to laugh when he was 8 weeks and he normally just inhales and makes a squeaky noise but he had his first real laugh at 11 weeks when we were tickling his belly! It's kind of a "huh-huh" and is so cute!
- His tickle spots are his arm pits, neck, belly, and feet.
- He can roll over with ease from his belly to his back.
- He steadily holds his head up and looks around while pushed up on his arms when doing tummy time.
- Sometimes he just gives up on doing pushups on his belly and just brings his knees up and puts his butt in the air. If he could just get those arms under him he might be up all on fours really soon!
- He loves his jumper (he went in a jumper at 11 weeks!)
- He rolls onto his right side from his back. He'll do this by either arching his back and falling onto his side or by pulling his knees up and rolling onto his side.
- He is super alert! He takes a 2 hour nap in the morning and then two 45 minute naps in the afternoon and that's it. He is always wide eyed and looking around. The daycare is absolutely amazed by how alert and strong he is!
- He sleeps from 8:00 PM to 5:30 AM all the time!
- He loves to watch TV (especially football)!
- He eats 6 ounces every 2-3 hours which has tapered off this month (thank goodness!)
- He puts everything in his mouth!
- He will hold onto toys but still isn't reaching for them yet.
- He loves bath time! He is almost too big for the newborn sling in his bath tub and he is started to learn how to splash!
- He puts weight on flat feet when you stand him up. You can even hold onto his waist and he is steady enough to support his upper body and look around!
- He still really loves music!
- He is going to be a talker just like his momma!
- He's been in 6 month clothing since he was 2 months old but they are starting to get a little snug!
- He hates laying down when you hold him! He always wants to be upright. The only times he'll stay laying down is when you change him, lay him down for bed, or put him on a play mat. If he's laying down, he can get his head and shoulders off the ground! If you grab his hands, he'll pull himself up into a sitting position and if he's feet are positioned just right he'll pull right up into a standing position.
- He loves to snuggle now! He'll curl up when you hold him and he'll curl up into you when he's laughing! So cute!
Things we are working on with Colton:
- Balancing while sitting up
- Reaching for toys
- Reading ... well not him but with him
I don't know who he learned that from?!? Standing up Momma and Baby Watching TV Great Grandma, Grandma & Colton Showing off how he can stand Great Grandma brought Colton his first pumpkin Playing under the sea Grand-Nanna & Colton Grand-Dude & Colton Look how good I am during tummy time First time in my bouncer I love bath time! How can you not love this kid!