Wednesday, July 7, 2010

11 Months

Can you believe that next month Colton will be one!  These last few months have really flown by!  We've sent out evites to email addresses we could find for Colton's birthday party on August 14th so be sure to check your email!  We're working on sending out paper invitations to anyone who hasn't viewed the evites as well.  We'd love to get all our family and friends together to celebrate Colton!

OK - so what's new ... well he's been pretty fussy lately so it's kind of hard to write about how great he is right now ... just kidding.  We think he might be working on his molars already because he is really cramming his fingers into his mouth and well ... to be honest we just need a reason for his fussiness.  It doesn't help either that his schedule is completely different at daycare and we're weaning him from his bottle.

Current Weight:  26.0 pounds (he's really slimming out now that he's walking a lot!)
Current Height:  30.5 inches

What's he doing now?
  • Moved to the 1-year room (at 10 1/2 months!)
  • Babbles all the time
  • Lifts his hand/arm up to point to things
  • Only has a bottle in the evening now (we just weaned him off his morning bottle over the 4th of July weekend)
  • Has switched to milk during the day and once this last tub of formula runs out he'll get milk in the evening as well
  • Can point out all the "ba's" in the room ... it's so cute when he picks up a ball and says "ba"
  • Walks everywhere ... and he is good at it.  He can pivot and change directions, swoop to pick up toys stand up from a sitting position ... the kid is everywhere now! 
  • Can climb up the rock wall on his play set all by himself
  • Can climb stairs all by himself (but doesn't understand the stepping down concept at all!)
  • Still really clingy to mommy
  • Sleeping through the night ... goes to bed about 8:30 and sleeps until 6:00
  • Fascinated by how things work ... he'll study objects forever to see how they work ... or look under toys like a mechanic ... too cute!
  • Great eater ... only thing he will not eat so far are peas!  He loves cheese right now and will devour a slice of cheese in seconds!  He understands that if we take the tray off of the high chair that he needs to come over so we can load  him in. 


His favorite toys = mommy's expensive cameras

"When was the last time you organized mommy?"
What?  He thought it was fun!

Sleeping with his butt up in the air!

"These packets go right here ... right daddy?"

Riding the tractor

He loves the water!

Check out his size 5.5 shoes!

Can climb all by himself