Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Colton's 1st Easter and ER Visit

Our Easter celebration started Wednesday, March 31st. 
Grandma and Grandpa Brown brought over some goodies for Colton.

*Trying to pull out the goodies*
*Building Blocks*
*Tearing off the paper*

Then we spent Saturday with Nana, Dude, Aunt K and Great Grandma Paula.

*Drumming with Grand-Dude*
*Always the center of attention*
*Such a sweet boy*
*This is how I roll*

This is what the Easter Bunny left for Colton on Easter morning.

*Basket and other goodies*
*Where do I start*
*Our little snot nose bunny*

But we had to skip the Easter Egg Hunt at Great Grandma Brown's and make our way to the Emergency Room.  You can see from the picture above that Colton was a mess!

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