Weight: 27 pounds 13 ounces (75th-90th percentile)
Height: 35 3/4 inches (97th percentile)
Observations from his appointment:
- He is experiencing an an allergic reaction to Luvs diapers on his back
- He has chapped cheeks (on his face people ... geez!)
- He has 7 teeth on top and 7 teeth on bottom and the possibility of one more on the bottom coming in really soon
- He has a slight ear infection in right ear but nothing too serious
What's Colton up to now?
- Repeats words you say all the time. They are not always right or even comprehendible but it's still neat to see him try. His latest words are:
- Elmo
- Kelly (Telly)
- All done (he says this whenever his sippy is empty or when he's done eating)
- Outside
- Shoes
- Pumpkin (bumpin)
- Grandpa (Bompa - this is what he calls Linz's dad)
- Oval
- Baby
- Sister (sista - no there's no 2nd baby on the way ... just something he read in a book)
- Bath (bat) - he still loves bath time and will run into the bathroom when you ask him if he wants to take a bath
- Football (boo-ball)
- Cooper (Coop Coop - which is what we nicknamed our cat Cooper)
- Mickey (he says mama ... yeah I know ... kind of a stretch but that's what he calls Mickey right now)
- He can walk up the stairs like a big boy by holding onto the wall
- He can go down the stairs like a big boy at Bompa & Nana's because their handrail is lower than ours
- Sat up (from laying on his back)
- Covers his eyes when you ask him "Where's Colton"
- Can point to and say eyes, nose (said "no"), and mouth (said "m-ow)
- Can point to his ears, belly, and feet/toes
- Will show you his hands when you ask him where his hands are
- Will fluff his hair is you ask him to
- Knows (and does) sounds for tiger/lion (he growls), elephant (woooo), monkey (woo woo woo), horse (sounds a lot like elephant) and duck (quack quack)
- Loves to tell people "Hi" and "Bye"
- When Chad buckles him into the car seat in the morning he leans forward with puckered lips for kisses and then tells daddy "bye"
- He gets really excited for Mickey Mouse and loves to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. He's got a Mickey Mouse beach ball and he likes to give Mickey a kiss.
- He can climb into his high chair now.
- Still loves books, balls and cars.
Some of the great-grandchildren at Grandma Brown's 80th Birthday Party
Look at the big boy brushing his teeth
Watch out ladies!
There's that big cheesy smile!
" Mom, I thought we were on the Do Not Call list?"
Out for a Sunday drive
Almost big enough
Dunking his oreos
Mmmm ... oreos!
Did someone say bath time?
Enjoying Fall
Raking with daddy
Trying to whistle like daddy
Eating cherry tomatoes over at Grandma & Papaw's
Don't tell ... we're stealing from the neighbors garden ... shhh!
Totally in love with this kid!
Colton's Time Out Chair
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