Tuesday, December 23, 2008

9 Weeks and All Is Good ...

We had our first ultrasound and checkup yesterday and all is good. We are measuring exactly where we should be and the heartbeat was good! They confirmed our due date of July 28th. They found a cyst on my left ovary but said that is normal. I guess sometimes the ovary that ovulates develops a cyst afterwards and that it actually helps early in the pregnancy to cut down your miscarriage chances. Dr. Gomez said that it was larger than he would prefer but that he didn't think it was something to worry about. It was just so exciting to see confirmation that I really am pregnant. And it just steals your breath away when you hear the heartbeat. Chad was just so excited ... asking questions and everything. The baby was upside down but we saw the buds for both legs and arms and at one point we saw the baby move and wave to us. The lab tech showed us the bloodflow and that was all good and we could see the heart beating in one of the shots. We had a really good view of the yolk sac and the cord. Afterwards I asked Chad what he initially thought when he saw the cord and he replied "that's my boy!" But the lab tech pointed out the cord and Chad got a little deflated. We'll have to wait until about week 20 for him to know that for sure! I go back in 4 weeks on January 19th for my next checkup. I'll keep you posted! As far as how I'm feeling ... it comes and goes. I'm on promethazine to help with the sickness and it has been a real life saver. I'm trying to take it only when I feel bad and Dr. Gomez said that weeks 7 through 9 are the worst and that by week 14 it should all pass. So we'll see.


The Mobleys said...

Very exciting. glad to see things are going well for you both. What a precious picture of your baby. So tiny. Prayers still flow'n your way. :)

Mindy and Jeremy Cull said...

YAY! so fun to see baby brown! I am glad everything is perfect!!! hopefully the sickness will pass soon :)