Friday, August 28, 2009

Colton's First Photo Shoot

Check out the beautiful pictures of Colton by Nicole Green on her blog: We've known Nicole for a long time and it was really great having her take Colton's first pictures! Thanks Nicole! You did an awesome job and we really loved being able to catch up with you!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Daddy's Birthday

For daddy's birthday I got him a picture frame and I made him a card. Well mommy helped me a little! She gave me an advance on my allowance!
We made a card with my feet print!

3 Week Update

Colton is now 3 weeks old ... I can't believe it! I won't say it's going by fast but it's definitely been a learning experience for both Chad and I. Colton absolutely amazes us. I think he's actually a 2 month old sometimes. He likes to hold his head up on his own and he's very strong with his legs. He looks around like he knows exactly what's going on and he enjoys holding his own pacifier and bottle! He still is sleeping really well and I really can't complain about how he does during the day either. It gets to me sometimes but I'm impressing myself with how well I'm handling it all. He'll go next Friday for his 4 week checkup and I'm anxious to see what he'll be weighing by then!
What ... it stunk real bad!
Colton's First Piece of Mail Check out those socks ... yeah newborn socks don't fit at all!
Family photo before we left for my 10 yearh high school reunion
Happy Birthday Grand-Dude ... sorry about the major spit up!
He's just so freaking cute!

Monday, August 17, 2009

And in this corner of the ring ... weighing in at ...

Our First Walk
2nd Tummy Time Colton and Auntie K
So I took Colton for a weight check this morning since it's recommended that a baby be back to their birth weight by day 14, and he weighed in at 9 pounds 14 ounces! Yay! He's 4 ounces over his birth weight. I was told to keep doing what I've been doing cause it's working out great! What a relief! We're doing something right!
After our weigh in we headed over to Target to pick up a few things that we've discovered we need. He did really well and didn't give me a hard time at all. This was also the first time I've driven since he was born and our first outing by ourselves. Go Team Brown!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

We Made It Through the First Week

Working on our smile!
First Real Tears
Tummy Time First Bath
Colton had his first pediatrician appointment today. Everything looked really good. His weight is up to 9 pounds 7 ounces so we're close to being back to birth weight. He's been eating really well and sleeping really well (sometimes 4 hours at a time) so we couldn't be more pleased. He had his first real throw up today (all down my back) so he got his first bath today as well. Other than that Chad and I have been enjoying our time together and have been enjoying all of our firsts with our beautiful son! Chad is going to start heading back to work for a few hours over the next couple of days and then will return to work full time on Thursday so I'm a little anxious to see how I do on my own but hopefully it'll work out.

Friday, August 7, 2009

We're Home!!

Leaving the hospital!!
Family Photo
Daddy getting to feed Colton!
Sweet Baby Colton!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Welcome Baby Colton!!!

Our little glow worm!
First Family Photo Caution: Extremely Cute
Look Mom ... I can hold my own paci at 2 days old!
Ok ... now I'm ready for my first photo!
After being in labor for 17 hours Dr. Williams decided since Colton and mommy weren't progressing past 4 cm that a C-section was our only option. After a rough go for both mommy and baby during the C-section, Colton Parker Brown made his appearance at 12:01 AM August 3, 2009. He weighed 9 pounds 10 ounces and was 22 1/2 inches long. Mommy and Colton are stuck in the hospital until Thursday.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

There's room for us!

So there is a room waiting for us at Clarian West. We're going to burn a couple more hours and then head up that way!