Thursday, April 16, 2009

This may fall under the "Too Much Information" category

I think you all can tell by now just how much I love my husband. He has been amazing during my pregnancy. He is always helping me (fixing dinner, doing the laundry, putting up with me wanting to redo and redecorate everything, looking up symptoms for me, buying me Cherry Mr. Misty Floats from Dairy Queen ... you name it and he has been there to help.) Well I tease him a lot about how he does not wake up during the night. I can get up a million times, turn the tv on, eat a snack, whatever and he doesn't wake up. The only time he really wakes up is if Dakota jumps off the bed or if he hears her walking around (I guess out of fear of having to clean up poop in the house). So anyways, on Tuesday night I couldn't sleep so I got up and tried all the couches and ended up coming back to bed. The next morning I was telling Chad about it and he didn't even realize I had left. Then last night I got up to go to the bathroom (thank you Dr. Castillo for prescriping a stool softenener) and when I got back, Chad rolled over and grabbed my hand and said "you go poopy?" It's really disturbing to say but that moment meant so much to me! I love you Chadlee!

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