I've been up and down all week ... one minute I'm happy. The next I'm crying uncontrollably. One minute I can't eat a thing, I have heartburn, or I'm "vurping" ... the next I can't seem to eat enough food. It's funny how much your body changes from day to day but it's neat to see the changes
Couple quick notes I wanted to make:
- Yesterday I told Chad my stomach was really itching so I asked him if he knew what that meant (you know cause he's the what to expect when you are expecting guru). He said "that someone's thinking about you". I stopped what I was doing and just looked at him and smiled. I knew he was wrong but I sure liked his answer better!
- Bubba (my boss) and Steve (our weld instructor) were in my office and they were asking if Colton was behaving today. I said yeah but that I am ready for this all to be over with. Bubba said that I had atleast 14 more weeks and to just wait until June when it's really hot. Steve said to just wait until I could balance a bowl on my belly and not use a TV tray. Then Bubba looked at Steve and said "what are you talking about? I can do that now." I told them I could always count on them to make me feel better.
I promise you will forget all that you went through once Colton is in your arms! Just keep using this pregnancy thing as an excuse to be emotional :)
Linz!! Just wait until your last month!!! But its all worth it in the end when you see that sweet face for the first time! You look still look great!
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