Wednesday, April 8, 2009

6 Months ~ Check out the pic on the right!

I've been up and down all week ... one minute I'm happy. The next I'm crying uncontrollably. One minute I can't eat a thing, I have heartburn, or I'm "vurping" ... the next I can't seem to eat enough food. It's funny how much your body changes from day to day but it's neat to see the changes
Couple quick notes I wanted to make:
  • Yesterday I told Chad my stomach was really itching so I asked him if he knew what that meant (you know cause he's the what to expect when you are expecting guru). He said "that someone's thinking about you". I stopped what I was doing and just looked at him and smiled. I knew he was wrong but I sure liked his answer better!
  • Bubba (my boss) and Steve (our weld instructor) were in my office and they were asking if Colton was behaving today. I said yeah but that I am ready for this all to be over with. Bubba said that I had atleast 14 more weeks and to just wait until June when it's really hot. Steve said to just wait until I could balance a bowl on my belly and not use a TV tray. Then Bubba looked at Steve and said "what are you talking about? I can do that now." I told them I could always count on them to make me feel better.


Mindy and Jeremy Cull said...

I promise you will forget all that you went through once Colton is in your arms! Just keep using this pregnancy thing as an excuse to be emotional :)

Jessi and Eric said...

Linz!! Just wait until your last month!!! But its all worth it in the end when you see that sweet face for the first time! You look still look great!