Monday, March 30, 2009

Quick Update - 23 Weeks

Well our little soccer player is still kicking away. It's a great feeling but sometimes I just need a break! I've been trying to explain it to Chad and the only way he seems to understand is if I compare the kicking to a wicked fart bubble. Gross I know but he seems to sympathize with me a little more now. I've been having a harder time sleeping. If I am able to find a comfortable position, then my dreams are just crazy! Saturday night I had 3 very strange, very scary dreams. One was that there was a biochemical war going on and if you breathed in the bad stuff then your face would fizz away (reminded me of sour warheads that fizzed in the middle). The only way to save your skin on your face was to smear mustard on it. Yeah you read that right. The really bad part was that when I woke up, all I wanted to eat was mustard. I had my first really weird craving (which isn't too disgusting) and that was dunking cheese into mustard but I withheld and just had the cheese. I am also craving Easter ham and I hate ham! My mom ate ham the entire time she was pregnant with me and to this day I detest ham. I am also on a slushy kick. I ask for a cherry Mr. Misty Float from Dairy Queen at least 5 times a week. So far I'm only averaging 1 a week though. Mom, Kelly and I went to Deanna's bridal shower yesterday. Deanna is my cousin's fiance and she is just too cute! We had a good time (and the food was really good!) and it was nice to hear from people that I looked really good at almost 6 months pregnant. I've been pretty obsessed about my weight this whole pregnancy so it was nice to hear from people (other than the people I see everyday) that I was doing well with my weight. During the shower Colton decided he was going to show off and start dancing in my belly. My mom got to feel him kicking which I thought was pretty awesome! We also painted our hallway/stairs which was the last thing we needed to paint in the house (and the one we were dreading doing). It looks so much better being painted though and it covered up all the marks from where we've moved furniture around. And since it looked so good ... I got this horrible urge to redo the downstairs bathroom. So after an hour long shopping spree, I came home with a new paint color, new miror, new light fixture, new towel ring and a new toilet paper holder. I don't think Chad was too happy with me. I felt like he was punishing me when he had me crawling on the linoleum floor doing the edging. It got done though (thanks to my wonderful husband) and it looks good. Other than that nothing too major going on. We've been doing some spring cleaning and we are excited to be hosting January and Keith's couples baby shower this weekend. I'm sure there will be pictures so I'll post a few after next weekend.

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