Sunday, May 31, 2009

My First Baby Shower

We had our first baby shower on Saturday, May 30th. It went so well. We got lots of good presents and had a blast seeing our friends and family. Thanks Cathy and Cecil for hosting such a great shower!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Sneak Peek of Colton Parker Brown

Chubby cheeks and chubby legs!
He's got his mommy's nose and lips!
He's all crammed in there! Folded in half (breech) with his arms and legs up by his head!
My favorite - he's holding onto his toes! Unfortunately all he wanted to do was sleep and since he is breech we couldn't get a real good shot of his face (although Amy said we got some decent shots considering he is folded in half).
We are scheduled to go back on Friday, June 19th for a mini session to see if he's still breech and to see if we can get some better shots. Amy with Castleton Ultrasound was very sweet and gave us a discount so we'll get to have another CD of pictures and another DVD for a really good price.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

30 Week Checkup

My bloodwork was okay. I don't have gestational diabetes but I did have a low blood count. I'm supposed to take my prenatal vitamins every day to help this out so that I don't become anemic. I'm measuring 2 weeks ahead of schedule. We're hoping it was just a growth spurt! Seeing as my husband is 6' 8" I'm preparing for a big baby but I heard one couple in our lamaze class say that they are going to schedule her for a C-section because she's also measuring big. I really want to try and have this baby naturally though (with drugs of course!) And my least favorite part of the checkup was when they couldn't find his heartbeat and then when they did it was low (115 bmp). The doctor says it's ok (average is 120 bmp - 160 bmp) but I'm still worried because it was a lot higher last time we were in there and I'm a new mom and I worry about everything!

But that's about it ... we're scheduled to go back June 4th!

Friday, May 15, 2009

To be seen or not to be seen ... that is the question.

They cover a lot of material in our childbirth classes. Not just delivery stuff but other stuff like packing your bags, preparing for visitors, breathing and relaxation techniques, etc. It's been really helpful so far I think but I there's definitely a lot to think about. Our lamaze class last night was about interventions during childbirth (epidurals, breaking your water, forceps, vacuums ... all kinds of fun stuff!) We also practiced our he ... he ... he ... ho breathing and then we took a tour of the facility. It's pretty nice. I definitely like that it has the maternity suites so you stay in the same room and the baby stays with you. Well Clarian West just changed a couple months ago to moving the families up one floor shortly after delivery because it gets pretty busy there. The overflow rooms are still as nice just a little smaller and smaller TVs but it's nice to have the privacy. Chad and I still are discussing how we want visitors and all that. There are a couple waiting rooms and there is unlimited visitation in the actual maternity suites but we still aren't sure what to do. I'm pretty picky and I know I'm going to be horrible during delivery (well I'm preparing for the worst because I don't handle pain well and I am known to have at least one panic attack a week now). I don't want any visitors at all until the baby comes (don't interrupt me during a contraction ... I might say something mean!) and I wouldn't mind not having visitors until after we move up to the 3rd floor. I want a little bit of alone/quiet time with the baby and I'd like to get somewhat cleaned up and settled in before the rush of people come. But I guess it all depends on how the labor goes. I can't plan everything ... although I try. He's pretty understanding with me but I just don't think he gets it sometimes. I think he's excited to show off his son and he just loves visiting with people. I know it's a common procedure but it is scary for me to be in a hospital (I don't think I've ever been checked into a hospital before) and I am the one who is squeezing a watermelon through a grape not him. It's his son I know but it's my grape and I'm the one doing all the work so I should get my way right? Anyways, these next 2 weeks are going to be really busy. 30-week checkup, I'm turning 28 (gasp), class, 3D ultrasounds, race party (I'm the designated driver don't worry), my sister's birthday and then my first baby shower! I'll keep you updated on all that as it happens!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day Moms and Mom-to-Be's!

So I cried with every Mother's Day card I got but I did have a lot of fun being pampered for Mother's Day. Chad bought me a weeping cherry tree (after a tiny tantrum I might have thrown - it's the hormones I swear) ... but it's planted and looks great!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Lamaze Class - Part 2

Class went really well last night. We went through the process of a natural birth and spent some more time practing relaxing during contractions. The dads had to give the moms back massages last night and Chad did so well. Not only did the backrub feel good but he also made sure I was breathing and he kept his head on my back and kept giving me little reassuring kisses. I couldn't believe how much I relaxed and calmed down during that half hour. I could really tell he was trying and I almost forgot there were other people in the room because I was so focused on him which is awesome since that's what I'll want to do during labor.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Castleton 4D Ultrasound

I wanted to pass this info along to anyone who's expecting. It's a place that specializes in 2D/3D/4D ultrasounds. We've got an appointment on Friday, May 22nd at 10:00 AM and we are so excited! Hopefully Colton will cooperate so we can get a picture of his face!

Monday, May 4, 2009

28 Weeks Down ... 12 to Go! **Update**

Congratulations to Mark and Amy! They were married on Saturday, May 2nd. We had a great time at the ceremony and reception and we had fun catching up with everyone!

See the pics on the right to see my belly shot of 28 weeks! I had my check up yesterday and everything still looks good. I did much better on my weight gain this time and made up for last month. I also had my glucose test and they said they'd call if something was wrong. So no news is good news! We go back on the 19th for our 30 week checkup. Somebody pinch me ... will it really be 30 weeks then?!?

Friday, May 1, 2009

Lamaze Class 101

We started our childbirth classes last night at Clarian West. We do 5 weeks of lamaze, 1 week of newborn basics, and 1 week of breastfeeding ... so we'll finish up June 11th. It wasn't too bad but I could definitely do without the videos. Chad and I are jokesters so we had a hard time keeping a straight face sometimes. For example, they have the birthing balls (the big exercise balls) and it says in the book to cleanse your balls with soap and water. I'm sorry but that's just funny. So of course that's all we keep asking each other now ... I'll grow up one of these days I promise. Ok - back to the class. The first hour was a meet and greet and just an overview of what the classes would discuss. Then we took a break and after the break we started discussing what happens before the actual birth process. Then we took another short break and the last half hour was relaxation/exercise time. We practiced relaxing our bodies and having contractions and getting into positions to help with childbirth, etc. Chad just stood over me with his hands on his hips while I squatted down and put on my contraction face. I told him in the car when we were leaving that he was allowed to be by me and touch me. That I would practice the birthing part and he could practice the comforting part. I know he'll do well when the time comes but I think it was a little awkward for him. We concluded the night however with a nice video of 3 women working through the contractions and then having the baby ... gross. Like I said, I could do without that ... just give me some info so I know what to expect and I'll just trust that my body will know what to do with the rest. It kind of scares me even more to see the videos. I have no tolerance for pain whatsoever. Next week we get to watch the birthing process from the beginning to the end ... but they have taken out the screaming and replaced it with some nice relaxing music ... hmmm we'll see. Oh ... one last thing. So we can't go anywhere without Chad running into someone he knows. There's a guy in our class that Chad went to school with and when we were heading into the hospital, we ran into Dustin Helton's mom and grandma. It was really nice seeing them and it kind of eased my mind a little before class.