Friday, May 15, 2009

To be seen or not to be seen ... that is the question.

They cover a lot of material in our childbirth classes. Not just delivery stuff but other stuff like packing your bags, preparing for visitors, breathing and relaxation techniques, etc. It's been really helpful so far I think but I there's definitely a lot to think about. Our lamaze class last night was about interventions during childbirth (epidurals, breaking your water, forceps, vacuums ... all kinds of fun stuff!) We also practiced our he ... he ... he ... ho breathing and then we took a tour of the facility. It's pretty nice. I definitely like that it has the maternity suites so you stay in the same room and the baby stays with you. Well Clarian West just changed a couple months ago to moving the families up one floor shortly after delivery because it gets pretty busy there. The overflow rooms are still as nice just a little smaller and smaller TVs but it's nice to have the privacy. Chad and I still are discussing how we want visitors and all that. There are a couple waiting rooms and there is unlimited visitation in the actual maternity suites but we still aren't sure what to do. I'm pretty picky and I know I'm going to be horrible during delivery (well I'm preparing for the worst because I don't handle pain well and I am known to have at least one panic attack a week now). I don't want any visitors at all until the baby comes (don't interrupt me during a contraction ... I might say something mean!) and I wouldn't mind not having visitors until after we move up to the 3rd floor. I want a little bit of alone/quiet time with the baby and I'd like to get somewhat cleaned up and settled in before the rush of people come. But I guess it all depends on how the labor goes. I can't plan everything ... although I try. He's pretty understanding with me but I just don't think he gets it sometimes. I think he's excited to show off his son and he just loves visiting with people. I know it's a common procedure but it is scary for me to be in a hospital (I don't think I've ever been checked into a hospital before) and I am the one who is squeezing a watermelon through a grape not him. It's his son I know but it's my grape and I'm the one doing all the work so I should get my way right? Anyways, these next 2 weeks are going to be really busy. 30-week checkup, I'm turning 28 (gasp), class, 3D ultrasounds, race party (I'm the designated driver don't worry), my sister's birthday and then my first baby shower! I'll keep you updated on all that as it happens!


The Smith Family said...

I definitely understand where your coming from, when I had Harrison, everyone was there, it was like for the next 5 hours everyone was in and out of the room. I was so tired (from the drugs from the C-Section), and I was falling asleep sitting up. It's nice that everyone wants to see him, but make sure your hubby let's them know it's time to go when he can tell you've had enough :) Hey, the guys have to do something, right? :)

Jessi and Eric said...

I second that motion...this is your first baby Linz and you need to soak up every minute of it, uninterrupted by visitors telling you how they did when they had their babies! I definitely recommend having everyone wait until after you are in your post-partum spot, it will give the three of you some very precious time together and Chad will thank you in the end! You're doing great...and going to be a great Mommy!!!

Dustin & Emily said...

My vote is for post-partum! I almost wished we would have waited even longer than that since I had c-section and I was so out of it I don't even really remember some people that came! Enjoy those first couple of hours with just you and your new baby before the madness begins!