Wednesday, July 8, 2009

37 weeks down ... 3 to go!

I went to the doctor today instead of tomorrow because Colton really hasn't been moving much today and I was getting a little worried (especially because yesterday he was moving so much it was hurting). When I got there my blood pressure was high so I had to lie on my left side for 20 minutes so they could retake it. Luckily it had gone down so they moved on to the exam. They said Colton is just running out of room so he'll slow down ... which I understand ... but he had room yesterday to wiggle. Dr. Gomez said I'm going to have a big baby (after he measured my abdomen) so we are measuring big again. Colton's heart rate was good and when Dr. Gomez poked on him it picked up which is a good sign. They still couldn't tell me for sure that he's head down and it's getting kind of frustrating. I'm pretty frustrated with the doctor's office in general because they never seem to know what's going on and every doctor tells you something different. Oh well just a few more weeks right?? I'll go back next Wednesday and they'll check my cervix to see if anything is going on yet. I start my maternity leave on Monday and I'm pretty excited for that. Now I'll finally be able to follow the doctor's advice and lay on my side to help with my circulation and swelling.

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